Micromachine Summit >  5th  (1999)

5th World Micromachine Summit

April 28-30, 1999
Glasgow, UK

Chaired by
 Professor Geoff Beardmore,
 UK Chairman and Chief Delegate


Thursday 29th April 1999

09.00 hrs
Summit Opening -
Professor G Beardmore, Chairman UK Organising Committee
09.15 hrs
Session One
Session Chairman: Professor G Beadmore, Smith Industries, UK

New Microtechnology Device Developments in Australia
I Bates and R Zmood
RMIT University, Australia
B Harrison
Griffith University, Australia
E Harvey
Swinburne University of Technology, Australia

MEMS Technological Advances in US Industry
N Maluf
Lucas NovaSensor, USA

New Advances in MEMS for Microfluidics
D Liepmann
University of California, USA

A Hybrid Modular Microsystem Concept (HYMOS)
W Menz
IMTEK/University Freiburg, Germany

10.45 - 11.15 hrs
Refreshment Break
11.15 hrs
Session Two
Session Chairman: Professor D Uttachandani,
University of Strathclyde, UK

Microfluidics for Bioanalysis
C Lumb
Alberta Microelectronic Centre, Canada

Market Analysis for Microsystems 1996-2002 - A Nexus Task Force Report
R Wechsung
Microparts GmbH, Germany

Development on Several Minature Sensors
S H Xia, J H Han and D F Cui
Institute of Electronics, China

Bionics - Safety and Health Microsystems Development in Australia
I Bates and R Zmood
RMIT University
B Harrison
Griffith University
E Harvey
Swinburne University of Technology, Australia

Prototyping Activity at MIC
S Bouwstra
Microelectronics Centre, Denmark

13.00 hrs
14.00 hrs
Session Three
Session Chairman: Dr M Ward, University of Birmingham, UK

A Distributed Environment Monitoring System
Z Wendong, J Xiong, and X Li
North China Institute of Technology, China
Z Zhou and S Xiong
Tsinghua University, China

CMOS Processes as Basis for Microsystem Technology
L Hermans
IMEC, Belgium

An Integrated Organisation for Micro-System Production
H van Heeren
OnStream BV, The Netherlands
J Elders
Twente MicroProducts, The Netherlands

The Use of Lasers For Manufacturing MEMS Devices
M Gower
Exitech, UK

15.20 - 15.50 hrs
Refreshment Break
15.50 hrs
Session Four
Professor R Lawes, Rutherford Appleton Laboratories, UK

Country Regional Reviews

18.00 - 19.00
Drinks Reception - Marriot Hotel

Friday 30 April 1999

09.00 hrs Session
Five Session Chairman: Dr M Gower, Exitech Ltd, UK

Tabletop Synchrotron Light Source
Y Cheng, BY Shew, and C H Lin
Synchrotron Radiation Research Center, Taiwan

Canadian MEMs Processing Service
D Gale
Microelectronics Corporation, Canada

The Swiss Way to Industrialize Microsystems
T Hinderling
CSEM Ltd, Switzerland

Effective Standards in Micromachine Manufacturing
T Hirano
Micromachine Center, Japan

10.30 - 11.00 hrs
Refreshment Break
11.00 hrs
Session Six Session Chairman: Dr A Hunt, Consultant, UK

Low-Power Wireless Networks of Microsensors
B Kaiser
University of California, USA

Wireless Distributed Systems for Microenergy Information
Y H Cho
KAIST, Republic of Korea

To be confirmed
R Lawes
Rutherford Appleton Laboratories, UK

A New Offer for Small and Medium Quantities of Specific MEMS Components
S Renard
Tronics Microsystems, France

Packaging for Micro-Engineering Devices - Lessons from the Real World
G Beardmore
Smiths Industries, UK

12.45 - 14.00 hrs
14.00 hrs
Session Seven Session Chairman: Professor G Beardmore, Smith Industries, UK

Applications of MST Devices to a Smart Energy Management
J Suski
Schlumberger RMS, France

Future Automotive Industry and Micromachine Technology
T Ishimaru
DENSO Corporation, Japan

Inpact and Issues of MEMS on Large Scale Industries
C-K Kim
LG Corporate Institute of Technology, Republic of Korea

Status of the MEMS Industry in France and Perspectives for the Future
J-C Eloy
Yole Developpement, France

Implantable Micromachines for the Next Millenium
M Haller
Medtronic Europe Ltd, Switzerland

Micromachine Technology: Extending Possibility of Endoscopic Diagnosis in Medicine
T Shimoyama
Olympus Optical Co Ltd, Japan

16.00 hrs
Closing remarks
16.15 hrs
18.45 hrs
Coaches leave Civic Reception to The Barony
19.00 Civic Reception
By kind invitation of the City of Glasgow delegates are invited to attend a Civic
Reception at the City Chambers.
19.45 hrs
Coaches leave Civic Reception to The Barony
20.00 hrs
Scottish Banquet - The Barony



**Professor Ian Bates
RMIT University
Faculty of Engineering
GPO Box 2476V
Melbourne VIC 3001
Tel : 613 9925 2591
Fax : 613 9925 2212
Email : i.bates@rmit.edu.au
*Mr Donald Anderson
Strategic Industry Research Foundation
39 King Street
East Ivanhoe
VIC 3079
Tel : 613 9653 9391
Fax : 613 9497 2475
Email : marzipan@vic.bigpond.net.au
Professor H Barry Harrison
Griffith University
Faculty of Engineering
Brisbane 4111
Tel : 617 3875 5053
Fax : 617 3875 3529
Email : B.Harrison@SCT.gu.edu.au
Professor Erol Harvey
Swinburne University of Technology
IRIS, Mail 66,
PO Box 218
Hawthorn VIC 3122
Tel : 613 9214 5111
Fax : 613 9214 5050
Email : eharvey@swin.edu.au


**Professor Albert Van den Berg
MESA Research Institute
PO Box 217
7500 AE
Enschede The Netherlands
Tel : 31 5348 92691
Fax : 31 5348 925 75
Email : A.vandenberg@el.utwente.nl
Dr Job Elders
Twente MicroProducts
PO Box 318 Enschede
7500 AH
Tel : 31 53 4800 111
Fax : 31 53 4800 119
Email : j.elders@microproducts.nl
Dr Lou Hermans
Kapel Dreef 75
B-3001 Leuven
Tel : 32 1628 1463
Fax : 32 1628 1501
Email : hermans@imec.be
Mr Henne van Heeren
OnStream BV
Lodewijkstraat 1
5652 AC Eindhoven
The Netherlands
Tel : 31 40 295 9815
Fax : 31 40 295 9906
Email : henne.vanheeren@onstream.com


**Mr Dan Gale
Canadian Microelectronics Corporation
201A Carruthers Hall
Queen’s University
Ontario K7L 3N6
Tel : 613 530 4660
Fax : 613 538 8104
Email : gale@cmc.ca
Mr Brian Moore
Alberta Microelectronic Corporation
#318, 11315 - 87 Avenue
T6G 2T9
Tel : 780 492 3914
Fax : 780 492 1643
Email : brian@amc.ab.ca


**Professor Zhaoying Zhou
Tsinghua University
Department of Precision Instruments
Tsinghua University
Beijing 100084
Tel : 8610 6277 1478
Fax : 8610 6277 1478
EmIl : zhouzy@utl.pim.tsinghua.edu.cn
Professor Minghong He
National Natural Science Foundation of China
No 35 (East Gate) Hua-Huan-Bei-Lu
Haidian District
Beijing 100083
Tel : 8610 6201 0389
Fax : 8610 6201 0306
Email : yuanzw@cetin.net.cn
Mr Hongjian Ma
Ministry of Science and Technology
Basic Research Conference & Exhibition Services 15B Fuxing Road
Beijing, 100862
Tel : 8610 6851 2086
Fax : 8610 6851 2620
Email : mahj@ms.nstm.net.cn
*Professor Shanhong Xia
Institute of Electronics
Chinese Academy of Sciences
PO Box 2652
Beijing , 100080
Tel : 8610 6255 2279
Fax : 8610 625 67363
Email : shxia@ie0.ie.ac.cn
*Professor Wendong Zhang
North China Institute of Technology
Shanxi 030051
Tel : 86 351 392 2009
Fax : 86 351 404 8180
Email : wdzhang@ncit.edu.cn
*Mr Yuan Zuwu
The Chinese Inertial Technology Society
PO Box 1092
Beijing 100034
Tel : 8610 6605 6357
Fax : 8610 6605 3419
Email : yuanzw@cetin.net.cn


**Professor Daniel Hauden
32 Avenue De L’observatoire
Tel : 33 3816 66962
Fax : 33 3816 66998
Email : dhauden@lpmo.univ-tcomte.fr
Dr Stephane Renard
Tronic’s Microsystems
15 rue des Martyrs
Grenoble 38054
Cedex 9
Tel : 33 4768 85686
Fax : 33 4768 85404
Email : Stephane.Renard@cea.fr
Dr Jan Suski
Schlumberger RMS/MTC
50 Av J.Jaures
BP 620-13
Montrouge Cedex 92542
Tel : 33 1474 66673
Fax : 33 14746 7212
Email : suski@montrouge.rms.slb.com


*Professor Wolfgang Menz
Albert-Ludwigs University Freibutg
Freiburg D-79085
Tel : 49 761 203 8280
Fax : 49 761 203 8282
Mr Patric Salomon
Rheinstr 10b
Tel : 49 33328 435 144
Fax : 49 3328 435 104
Email : salomon@vdivde-it.de
Dr Reiner Wechsung
MicroParts GmbH
Hauert 7
44227 Dortmund
Tel : 49 231 9799 102
Fax : 49 231 9799 200
Email : wechsung@microparts.de
Mr Walter Wiche
Federal Ministry of Education and Research
C/o BMBF-Referat SA4
Heinewawstr 2
Tel : 0049 228 573 108
Fax : 0049 228 573 605
Email : Walter.Wiche@bmbf.bund400.de


**Professor Naomasa Nakajima
Tokyo University
7-3-1 Hongo
Tokyo 113-8656
Tel : 81 3580 22980
Fax : 81 3381 50053
Email : nakajima@ingram.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Mr Takayuki Hirano
Micromachine Center
5F Niikura Building
2-2 Kanda-Tsukasa Cho
Tokyo 101-0048
Tel : 81 35294 7131
Fax : 81 35294 7137 
*Mr Takanobu Hori
Aisin Cosmos R&D Co Ltd
50 5-chome
Aichi Prof 448-8650
Tel : 81 566 24 8122
Fax : 81 566 24 9045
Dr Tsuneo Ishimaru
Denso Corporation
Aichi-Ken 448 8661
Tel : 81 566 25 5510
Fax : 81 566 25 4500
*Mr Yuji Iwata
Micromachine Center
5F Niikura Bldg
2-2 Kanda-Tsukasa-Cho
Tokyo 101 0048
Tel : 81 35294 7131
Fax : 81 35294 7131
Email : iwata@mmc.or.jp
*Mr Takashi Kurahashi
Denso Corporation
500-1 Minamiyama
Aichi 470 0111
Tel : 81 5617 51080
Fax : 81 5617 51829
Email : kurahasi@rlab.denso.co.jp
*Mr Masaki Maeno
Denso Corporation
Aichi-Ken 448-8661
Tel : 81 566 25 5510
Fax : 81 566 25 4500
Email : masaki_maeno@notes.denso.co.jp
*Dr Koji Namura
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Mechanical Systems Dept
Advanced Technology R&D Center
Amagasaki City Hyogo 661 8661
Tel : 81 66497 7090
Fax : 81 66497 7291
Email : namura@mec.crl.melco.co.jp
*Mr Ryo Ohta
Olympus Optical Co Ltd
2-3 Kuboyama-cho
Tokyo 192-8512
Tel : 81 426 91 8070
Fax : 81 426 91 5709
Email : r_ohta@ot.olympus.co.jp
*Mr Hideaki Oku
Basic Research Laboratory
Yamanashi Pref
Tel : 81 555 5387
Fax : 81 555 5526
Email : loku@fanuc.co.jp
*Dr Toshihiko Sakuhara
Seiko Instruments Inc
Takatsuka Unit
563 Takatsuka-Shinden
Chiba 270-2222
Tel : 81 47391 2131
Fax : 81 47392 7822
Email : Sakuhara@tk.sii.co.jp
*Dr Kiyoshi Sawada
Basic Research Laboratory
Yamanashi Pref 401-0597
Tel : 81 555 84 5366
Fax : 81 555 84 5526
Mr Toshiro Shimoyama
Olympus Optical Co Ltd
Monolith 2-3-1
Tokyo 163-0914
Tel : 81 33340 2101
Fax : 81 333 40 2137
*Mr Yamashita Tsukasa
OMRON Corporation
Kyoto 617-8510
Tel : 75 957 9862
Fax : 75 953 7604
Email : supeye@rbo.ncl.omron.co.jp
*Mr Kazuhiro Tsuruta
Micromachine Center
5F Niikura Bldg
2-2 Kanda-Tsukasa-cho
Tokyo 101-0048
Tel : 0081 352 94 7131
Fax : 0081 35294 7137
Email : tsuruta@mmc.or.jp


**Professor Paolo Dario
Scuola Superlore Sant’Anna
Via Carducci, 40
S6127 Pisa
Tel : 39 050 883 400
Fax : 39 050 883 402
Email : dario@arts.sssup.it
Dr Carles Cane
Campus UAB
S/n Bellaterra
Tel : 34 93 580 2625
Fax : 34 93 580 1496
Email : cane@cnm.es
*Mr G Iseni
Gefran Sensors SRL
Via Cave 11 - Provaglio D’iseo
Tel : 39 030 983786
Fax : 39 030 982 3201
Email : sni@gefran.it
Dr Androula Nassiopoulou
IMEL/NCSR “Demokritas”
PO Box 60228
15310 Aghia Paraskeiri
Tel : 301 654 2783
Fax : 301 651 1723
Email : A.Nassiopoulou@imel.demo.kritas.gr
Dr Mario Zen
ITC-IRST Instituto Trentino di Cultura
Via Sommarive 18
38050 Para (TN)
Tel : 39 0461 314 546
Fax : 39 0461 314 591


**Professor Klas Hjort
The Angstrom Laboratory
Uppsala University
PO Box 534
S-75121 Uppsala
Tel : 46 18 471 3141
Fax : 46 18 471 3572
Email : klas.hjort@angstrom.uu.se
Dr Siebe Bouwstra
Mikroelektronik Centret
DTU Bldg 345 East
DK-2800 Lyngby
Tel : 45 4525 6306
Fax : 45 4588 7762
Email : sb@mic.dtu.dk
Dr Sami Franssila
Helsinki University of Technology
PO Box 3000
FIN - 02015 TKK
Tel : 358 9451 2332
Fax : 358 9457 5008
Email : sami.franssila@hut.fi
Mr Terje Kvisteroy
PO Box 196
Horten 3192
Tel : 47 3303 5172
Fax : 4733 0351 05
Email : terje.kvisteroy@sensonor.no


**Professor Young-Ho Cho
Micromachines and Microsystems Laboratory
ME3038, 373-1 Kusong-dong
Taejon 305-701
Tel : 8242 869 3038
Fax : 8242 869 3050
Dr Chang-Soo Kim
LG Corporate Institute of Technology
16 Woo Myun Dong
Su Cho Ku
Seoul 137-140
Tel : 822 526 4500
Fax : 822 526 4502
Email : cskim@lgcit.com
Dr lee-Hwan Kim
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
60 Buckingham Gate
London SW1E 6AJ
Tel : 0171 227 5500
Fax : 0171 227 5503
Dr Sangmo Shin
455-6 Masan
Jin Edi
Pylingtaek, Ko
Tel : 0082 333 610 4140
Fax : 0082 333 610 4147
Email : shinsm@nuri.keti.re.kr
*Mr Kuk_Jin Chun
Micro System Laboratory
Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology
*Dr Ci Moo Song
Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology
Microsystems Lab
PO Box 111
Suwon 440-600
Tel : 82 331 280 9395
Fax : 82 331 280 6955
Email : cmsong@saitgw.sait.samsung.co.kr


**Professor Nico de Rooij
University of Neuchatel
Institute of Microtechnology
Rue Jaquet-Droz 1
2007 Neuchatel
Tel : 41 32 7205 303
Fax : 41 327 205 711
Email : nico.derooij@imt.unine.ch
Mr Philippe Fischer
FSRM Swiss Foundation for Research in Microtechnology
PO Box 20
2007 Neuchatel
Tel : 41 32 720 0904
Fax : 4132 720 0990
Email : fischer@fsrm.ch
Dr Volker Gass
Mecanex SA
29 Ch de la vvarpilliere
Tel : 41 22 361 7733
Fax : 41 22 361 67 52
Email : vgass@mecauex.ch
Professor Thomas Hinderling
Swiss Center of Electronic and Microtechnology
Jaquet-Droz 1
2000 Neuchatel
Tel : 41 32 720 56 57
Fax : 41 32 720 5741
Email : thomas.hinderling@csem.ch
Mr Markus Haller
Medtronic Europe SA
Route du Molliau
CH-1131 Tolochenaz
Tel : 41 21 802 7330
Fax : 41 21 802 7933
Email : markus.haller@medtronic.com


**Dr Yao Cheng
SRRC, Taiwan
#1 R&D Rd VI SBI Park
Tel : 886 357 802 81
Fax : 886 357 89816
Email : yeo@srrc.gov.tw
Professor Peizen Chang
National Taiwan University
Institute of Applied Mechanics
National Taiwan University 106
Tel : 886 2236 30929
Fax : 886 22363 9290
Email : changpz@mems.iam.ntu.edu.tw
Professor Ruey Shing Star Huang
National Tsing Hua University
Dept of Electrical Engineering
National Tsing Hua University
Hsinchu 300
Tel : 886 357 21204
Fax : 886 3571 5971
Email : yshuang@ee.nthu.edu.tw
Mr Min-Shong Lin
Industrial Technology Research Institute
Rm 601, Bldg 51, 195 Section 4
ChungHsing Road
Hsinchu 310
Tel : 00886 3582 0203
Fax : 00886 3582 0212
Email : mslin@hg.itri.org.tw
*Mr Ching-Yi Wu
Industrial Technology Research Institute
Bldg 52, 195 Sec 4, Chung Hsing Road
Shinchu 310
Tel : 886 3591 4388
Fax : 886 35820 266
Email : 760378@hq.itri.org.tw



**Dr Albert Pisano
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
3701 North Fairfax Drive
Tel : 703 696 2278
Fax : 703 696 2206
Email : apisano@darpa.mil
Dr Long-Sheng Fan
IBM Almaden Research Center
650 Harry Road, K62.C3
San Jose, CA 95120
Tel : 408 927 2602
Fax : 408 927 2100
Email : lsfan@almaden.ibm.com
Professor William Kaiser
UCLA Dept of Electrical Engineering
420 Westwood Plaza Rm 56 - 125 FF
Eng IV Bldg
Los Angeles
California, 90095
Tel : 310 206 3236
Fax : 310 825 7928
Email : kaiser@janet.ucla.edu
Professor Dorian Liepmann
University of California
Berkeley Sensor & Actuator Center
497 Cory Hall
UC Berkeley, CA
Tel : 510 642 9360
Fax : 510 643 6637
Email : liepmann@me.berkeley.edu
Dr Nadim Maluf
Lucas Nova Sensor
1055 Mission Court
CA 94539
Tel : 510 661 6185
Fax : 510 770 0645
Email : nmaluf@sensors.stanford.edu


**Professor Geoff Beardmore
Smiths Industries Aerospace
Bishops Cleeve
Glos GL52 4SF
Tel : 01242 661506
Fax : 01242 661136
Email : geoff.beardmore@smithsind-aerospace.com
*Dr Fiona Armstrong
Polaris House
North Star Avenue
Tel : 01793 444164
Fax : 01793 444187
Email : fiona.armstrong@epsrc.ac.uk
Dr Malcolm Gower
Exitech Ltd
Hanborough Park
Long Hanborough
Tel : 01993 883324
Fax : 01993 883334
Email : m.gower@exitech.co.uk
Professor Andrew Hunt
Andrew Hunt Consultants Ltd
West Hembury Farm
Tel : 01308 485289
Fax : 01308 485041
Email : ahcltd@globalnet.co.uk
*Mr Nick Jolly
Department of Trade and Industry
32 Parkfield Crescent
Herts SG4 8EQ
Tel : 01438 832939
Email : nick_jolly@compuserve.com
Professor Ron Lawes
Central Microstructure Facility
Rutherford Appleton Labboratory
OX11 0QX
Tel : 01235 446328
Fax : 01235 445194
Email : r.a.lawes@rl.ac.uk
*Dr Vishal Nayar
DERA Malvern
St Andrews Road
Gt Malvern
WR14 3PS
Tel : 01684 895431
Fax : 01684 895113
Email : vnayar@dera.gov.uk
*Mr Russell Noble
DERA Malvern
ST Andrews Road
Gt Malvern
WR14 3PS
Tel : 01684 895247
Fax : 01684 895113
Email : ran@dera.gov.uk
*Mr Mike Robertson
Scottish Enterprise
120 Bothwell Street
G2 7JP
Tel : 0141 228 2165
Fax : 0141 228 2327
Email : mike.robertson@scotent.co.uk
*Professor Deepak Uttamchandani
Universityof Strathclyde
Dept of Electronic & Electrical Engineering
204 George Street
G1 1XW
Tel : 0141 548 2211
*Professor Anthony Walton
University of Edinburgh
Dept of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Kings Buildings
Tel : 0131 650 5620
Fax : 0131 650 6554
Dr Michael Ward
Birmingham University
G25D, Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering
B15 2TT
Tel : 0121 414 4172
Fax : 0121 414 3958
Email : mclward@aol.com


The principal points of the 1999 Summit are as follows:

  1. The papers presented to the Summit represented a more diversified view of the technology than in previous years, and no clear theme emerged. However, there was strong evidence of a maturing discipline that was beginning to merge and integrate with established technologies in many areas.
  2. Wireless MEMS appeared to be an important new direction of development which had the potential to influence the direction of many different programmes in the future, and in particular, to solve the longstanding problem of interconnecting large numbers of individual microsystems.
  3. Standardisation issues were prominent with several speakers expressing the need for further progress in this area.
  4. Medical applications of Micromachines were continuing to be realised and there was a notable trend to imitate nature in more recent catheter developments.
  5. The overall impression gained from this Summit is that Micromachine and Microengineering development in general continues to flourish on a world-wide scale, and is now firmly recognised as the major group of enabling technologies for the next millennium. There was a strong desire amongst the participants to ensure that this unique set of emerging technologies is used for the benefit of mankind wherever possible, and in accordance with the basic themes and principles of the Summit.
  6. At a meeting of Chief Delegates, it was agreed that Korea would be invited to attend the next Summit as a full member of the Summit community. Their status at the UK Summit was as special guest of the UK.
  7. The 6th summit for the year 2000 will be held in Hiroshima, Japan on April 10 - 12.

Professor Geoff Beardmore, UK Chairman and Chief Delegate, 1999


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