2nd Micromachine Summit
24-26 April, 1996
Montreux, Switzerland
Organized by |
- IMT Institute of Microtechnology - University of Neuchatel - FSRM Swiss Foundation for Research in Microtechnolology |
Represented Countries
European Union
The Netherlands
United Kingdom
Sweden |
Supporting Organizations European Union DGIII,
Science Agency of the Swiss Confederation,
Swiss Federal Office for Education and Science,
Board of the Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology,
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne,
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich,
Swiss Academy for Technical Sciences.
Organizing Committee
Prof. Dario (I),
Prof. de Rooij (CH),
Prof. Dorey (UK),
Prof. Fluitman (NL),
Mr. Fischer (CH),
Prof. Hauden (F),
Prof. Menz (D),
Dr. Rudolf (CH)
IMT Institute of Microtechnology,
University of Neuchatel
FSRM Swiss Foundation for Research in Microtechnolology |
2nd Micromachine Summit
24-26 April 1996, Montreux, Switzerland
Wednesday, 24 April 1996
Wednesday, 24
Optional visit the CSEM and the IMT of the University of Neuchatel
Train connections: |
Departure from Zfirich airport: |
Arrival in Neuchatel |
10:39 |
Geneva airport:11:44 |
13:06 |
Montreux:11:43 |
13:00 |
13:30 to 16:00 |
Visit of CSEM and IMT |
16:15 Bus departure for Montreux |
17:45 Arrival at the Montreux Palace |
19:00 |
Welcome cocktail at the Montreux Palace
Welcome address from a representative of the City of Montreux and
from the State Secretary for Science and Research Prof. H. Ursprung |
Thursday, 25 April 1996
09:00 |
Opening of the 2nd World Micromachine Summit by Nobel Price laureat |
Dr. H. Rohrer |
Country reviews
09:15 |
Muller, Richard , Director |
University of California Berkeley Berkeley Sensor & Actuator Center |
09:25 |
Japan |
Nakajima, Maomasa , Director |
University of TokyoDept. of Mechanical Engineering for Prod. |
09:35 |
Canada |
Guild, Gordon , President |
Simon Fraser University Micromachining Technology Center Ltd. |
09:45 |
Australia |
Bates, Ian , Professor |
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology Faculty of Engineering |
09:55 |
France |
Hauden, Daniel , Director |
10:05 |
Great Britain |
Dorey, Howard , Professor |
Imperial College of ScienceTechnology and Medicine |
10:15 |
Italy |
D'Amico, Arnaldo , Professor |
University of Roma Tor Vergata |
10:25 |
The Netherland |
Fluitman, Jan H. , Director |
University of Twente Mesa Institute |
10:35 |
Germany |
Menz, Wolfgang , Director |
Albert-Ludwigs-Universitat Freiburg Institut far Mikrosystemtechnik |
10:45 |
Switzerland |
De Rooij, Nicolaas F. , .Director |
Universite de NeuchatelInstitut de Microtechnique |
10:55 |
Discussion on the country reviews |
Scope of Micromachine
11:30 |
Pfiuger, Peter |
Chief Executive Officer |
11:40 |
Nakajima, Maomasa |
Director |
University of Tokyo,JDept. of Mechanical Engineering for Prod. |
11:50 |
Discussion on the scope of micromachines |
12:15 |
Lunch |
14:00 |
Menz, Wolfgang |
Director |
Albert-Ludwigs-Universitat Freiburg, D Institut for Mikrosystemtechnik |
14:10 |
Eiscussion on standardization |
Research and education
14:25 |
Ikuta, Koji |
Professor |
Nagoya University, J |
14:35 |
Najafi, Khalil |
Professor |
University of Michigan, USA |
14:45 |
Fluitman, Jan H. |
Director |
University of Twente,NL Mesa Institute |
14:55 |
Discussion on research and education |
15:10 |
Break |
R&D Programmes and role of governments
15:40 |
Crawford, Deborah |
Program Director |
National Science Foundation, USA |
15:50 |
Gabriel, Kaigham |
Deputy Director Electronics Technology Office |
16:00 |
Menozzi, Gaitan |
Chairman |
16:15 |
Gagnepain, Jean-Jacques |
Directeur Dipartement Sciences pour l'Inginieur |
C.N.R.S., F |
16:25 |
Hirano, Takayuki |
Executive Director |
Micromachine Center, J |
16:35 |
Discussion on R&D Programmes and role of governments |
16:50 |
Conclusions and adjourn of the day |
17:00 |
Meeting of the chief delegates |
Friday, 26 April 1996
Social & industrial impacts of micromachines
08:30 |
Dorey, Howard |
Professor |
Imperial College of Science, UK |
08:40 |
Shimoyama, Toshiro |
Chairman |
Olympus Optical Co., Ltd., J |
08:50 |
Discussion on social & industrial impacts of micromachines |
Needs expressed by the industry
09:05 |
Ishimaru, Tsuneo |
President |
Nippondenso Co., Ltd., J |
09:15 |
Rudolf, Fglix |
Section Head |
09:25 |
Discussion on needs expressed by the industry |
10:10 |
Axelrad, Constant |
Marketing Manager |
10:20 |
Hu, Chang-Tze |
Director of German Office Representative Office in Europe |
National Science Council, Taiwan |
10:30 |
Moritomo, Sadao |
Vice-President |
Seiko Instruments Inc., J |
10:40 |
Giachino, Joseph M. |
Program Manager Electronic Division |
Ford Motor Company, USA |
10:50 |
Hocker, G. Benjamin |
Principal Research Fellow |
Honeywell Technology Center, USA |
11:00 |
Discussion on markets |
11:15 |
Conclusions of the 2nd World Micromachine Summit |
12:00 |
Aperitif |
12:30 |
Lunch at the Montreux Palace |
- Bates, lan
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
Faculty of Engineering
- Coderre, William
Science & Technology Councillor
Canadian Mission to the European Union
- Guild, Gordon
President, Simon Fraser University
Micromachining Technology Center Ltd.
- Jerominek, Hubert
Head of Photonic Materials & ProcessesNational Optics Institute
- Lumb, Chris
President, Alberta Microelectronics Centre
European Union
- Menozzi, Gaetan
Marketing and Strategy Manager Sextant Avionique Div. Navigation Valence
- Axelrad, Constant
- Clerc, Jean-Frederic
Microsystem Programm Manager CEA I LETI
- Gagnepain, Jean-Jacques
Directeur C.N.R.S.Departement Sciences pour l'Ingenieur (Spl)
- *Hauden, Daniel
Directeur LPMO
- Lasseur, Jean
Directeur, Schlumberger Etudes et Production
- Leclerc, J.
Directeur, Sextant Avionique
- Puers, B.
Head of technology Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Dept. Elektrotechniek Afdeling ESAT
- Blum, Hartmut
Jenoptik Technologie GmbH
- Hu, Chang-Tze
Director of German Office
National Science Council, TaiwanRepresentative Office in Europe
- Menz, Wolfgang
Professor, Albert-Ludwigs-Universitat Freiburg
Institut fur Mikrosystemtechnik
- Mollendorf, Manfred
Head of Microsystem Technology Robert Bosch GmbH
Corporate R&D
- Schweitz, Jan-Ake
Professor, Uppsala University Institute of Materials Science
- Paasche, Sascha
Senior Manager Microelectronics & MSTDaimler-Benz AG Research and Technology
Great Britain
- Beardmore, Geoff
Professor, Smiths Industries Ltd.
- Bertioli, Mike
Director, Druck Ltd
- Dorey, Howard
Professor, Imperial College of Science Technology and Medicine
- Lawes, Ronald A.
Professor, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Central Microstructure Facility
- Ohlkers, Per
R&D Manager SensoNor A.S.
- Alessandretti, Giancarlo
Director, Centro Ricerche Fiat Sistemi e technologie optomeccaniche
- D'Amico, Arnaldo
Professor, Universita di Roma "Tor Vergata"
Dip. Ingegneria Elettronica
- Foglietti, Vittorio
IESS-CNR, I - Roma Soncini, Giovanni
Professor University of Trento
- Hirano, Takayuki
Executive Director, Micromachine Center
- Ishimaru, Tsuneo
President, Nippondenso Co., Ltd.
- Moritomo, Sadao
Vice-President, Seiko Instruments Inc.
- Nakajima, Naomasa
Director, The University of Tokyo
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering for Prod.
- Shimoyama, Toshiro
Chairman, Olympus Optical Co., Ltd.
- De Rooij, Nicolaas F.
Directeur, Universite de Neuchatel
- Dual, Jurg
Professor, Institut for Mechanik
- Pfluger, Peter
Chief Executive Officer, CSEM S.A Rohre, Heinrich
IBM Research Laboratory
- Salathe, Rene Paul
Director, EPFL Centre d'application Laser(CAL)
The Netherland
- Elders, Job
Director, Twente MicroProducts
- Fluitman, Jan H.
Director, University of Twente Mesa Institute
- Petersen, Jon Wulff
Director, Mikroelektronic Centret
- Sygall, Petee
Director, Philips Components Magnetic Heads & Modules
- Crawford, Deborah
Program Director, National Science Foundation
- Gabriel, Kaigham
Deputy Director, DARPA Electronics Technology Office
- Giachino, Joseph M.
Program Manager, Ford Motor Company
Electronic Division
- Hocker, G. Benjamin
Principal Research Fellow
Honeywell Technology Center
- Muller, Richard
Director, University of California Berkeley
Berkeley Sensor & Actuator Center
- Najafi, Khalil
University of Michigan, EECS
The second World Micromachine Summit was held on 24 - 26 April 1996
in Montreux, Switzerland. 50 delegates and experts from 10 countries around
the world exchanged views and opinions about micromachines, their impact
on society and on industry and their future development. Country reviews
allowed a comparison of the awareness on micromachine or microsystems technologies
around the world and also a comparison of the national efforts to develop
those technologies.Extensive discussion were conducted on seven major issues
related to micromachines with following conclusions:
Country reviews
There is a growing interest in MEMS in the countries presented.
Nevertheless, industrial sectors are far better informed on the subject
than politicians. Specific education in the MST field is in development.Most
of the reviewed countries have research programs that are MST related although
public expenditure in this area varies very much from country to country.
Reliable figures arc difficult to assemble because of the breadth of MST
projects or, in some cases, because of their confidential nature.The majority
of the companies involved in MEMS are SMEs, although some very large companies
are also active in this field.
Research and education
Students should have a solid scientific background before in order
to be proficient in the MST field.International mobility of both students
and staff should be encouraged. The development of awareness to MST starts
very early in Japan (elementary school). In Europe and in North America,
MST education begins at the university level, mostly toward the end of
undergraduate studies and at postgraduate level.Regarding research, systems
development has become an important goal of the efforts on MEMS and micromachines.
Scope of micromachines
There is no consensus on the definition of microsystems and micromachines.
Finding a common language is therefore an important challenge. Microsystems
can be good way to improve the image of technology in the public. Nevertheless,
researchers have to be careful not to raise unrealistic expectations on
the part of public or industry when they present their conceptions about
the possible evolution of microsystems. It is important to avoid confusion
between dreams and reality.
Standardization is necessary in order to promote the exchange of
ideas and processes, but it does not have to inhibit the development of
MEMS. There is clearly a need for concerted action on this subject, and
how to approach this issue needs to be discussed.
R&D programs and role of governments.
Japanese and American programs have some common points: they both
support education, infrastructure availability and the flow of information
among interested industries and academics.Europe also supports education
in MST through its research facilities. As opposed to other countries,
Japan funds risky and long-term research and development. MEMS have also
many application in the defense field.
Social and industrial impact of micromachines.
It is generally acknowledged that the social impact of micromachines
will be considerable in the 21st century, but there are signs that is has already began in many areas.
Micromachines will make life easier in many ways.It was pointed out that
micromachines will have dramatic effects on the field of health care. Minimally
invasive surgery, intelligent drug delivery systems for external remote
control and medication are two positive examples in which MST will make
the lives of patients more comfortable and reduce their time in hospitals.Automobiles
will benefit from micromachines technology and become safer and more comfortable.Information
technology and telecommunication are other areas in which developments
are closely related to miniaturization technologies.The expected wide use
of microsystems for intelligent sensing and controlling in cars, houses,
industrial equipment and entertainment goods will make it imperative that
MST systems be implemented in simple, replacement-mode packages.More generally,
micromachines will not solve unemployment problems. Micromachines can hardly
be assembled by hand and their volume production will rely on highly automated
production lines. Micromachines will generate a new industry which, unlike
the present microelectronics industry, will consist initially of small
and medium sized manufacturing companies.
Needs expressed by the industry.
The industry has a considerable responsibility in the society, not
only by the products put on the market, but also by the way to manufacture
them. Micromachines can play a large role in creating human-friendly manufacturing
procedures.Micromachines will provide solutions for plants maintenance
with a minimum waste of time, for micro manufacturing of small products,
minimizing energy, space and mineral resource consumption and for environmental
protection, since industrial companies are highly responsible for preventing
pollution.Micromachine technologies will allow the creation of smaller,
safer, higher performance and more user-friendly products. In order to
make advance in all fields necessary for the development of micromachines,
industry encourages international cooperation and exchange of information.To
introduce a micromachine or microsystem in a larger product, a company
will normally not want to build up competence and manufacturing capacities
for this component. Since it is in most of the case a key part of the final
product, the company needs a reliable supplier for this component. This
leads to the emergence of a new supply industry which needs to address
specific issues that are more broadly based than those of the microelectronics
supplying industry.
Some market forecasts published in the early 90's were overly optimistic.
The present market for microsystems is dominated by microsensors, mostly
for the automotive industry, which pulls the development of microsystems
with its high production volume. Other examples can be found in computer
peripherals, such as ink-jet printer heads and hard-disk heads or in the
medical field with disposable blood pressure sensors.In many cases, the
microsystem is a low-cost component that provides important added value
to a final product.The future market of microsystems will be divided into
a replacement sector in which a microsystem solution can bring better performance
or lower cost, and a sector that introduces entirely new products.In the
replacement market, the benefits of a new solution must be very important;
it is usually difficult to replace a proven and mature product. New opportunities
represent the best focus for microsystems technology in the next years.
Across the broad scope of engineering systems, there are many recognized,
but unmet needs that can be impacted by innovative micromachine technologies.The
Japanese market has been estimated by the Micromachine Center to grow to
about $ 5.7 billions for replacing products and $ 2 to 19 billions for
new opportunities in 2005.
Next Micromachine Summit
The delegates decided to continue to exchange opinions and information
on an annual basis and to hold a 3rd World Micromachine Summit in 1997.In
will be held in British Columbia, Canada, and will bring together delegations
from countries active in the micromachine area around the world.The delegates
also decided to appoint the Micromachine Center (J) to the permanent secretariat
of the World Micromachine Summit.