8th Micromachine Summit
Apil 30 - may 3, 2002
Maastricht, The Netherlands
Organised jointly by
- MESA+ Research Institute (Netherlands)
- IMEC (Belgium) |
Ian Bates, Professor
Rmit University
Jason Chaffey
Rmit University
Kris Baert
IMEC Microsystems, Components & Pack.Division
Dirk Beernaert
European Commission Essential Inf. Society Techn. & Infrastr
Charles Peng
Science Division, Taipei Representative Office in belgium
Hocine Ziad
Alcatel Microelectronics Technology R&D
Dan Gale
Canadian Microelctronics Corporation
Thomas Jackman
National Research Council of Canada
David Klymyshyn, Professor
University of Saskatchewan Dept. of Electrical Engineering
Bingchu Cai, Professor
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Henggao Ding, Professor
Chinese Society of Inertial Technology
Jinshan Wang
Chongqing MEMS Science &Techn. Co,ltd.
Xiaohao Wang, Ass.Prof.
Tsinghua University Dept. of Precision Instr. & Mechanology
Zuwu Yuan, Dr.
Chinese Society of Inertial Technology
Wendong Zhang, Professor
North China Institute of Technology
Zhaoying Zhou, Professor
Tsinghua University Micro/Nano Technology Research Center
Anders Larsen
Technical University of Denmark MIC
Sami Franssila, Dr.
Helsinki University of Technology Microelectronics Centre
Constant Axelrad
Emmanuel Bigler, Professor
ENSMM-Besancon-France LCEP
Jean Christophe Eloy
Yole Developpement
Gaitan Menozzi
Liang-Han Hsieh
ITRI Western Europe Office
Jan Korvink, Dr.
Albert Ludwig University Freiburg Inst. for Microsystem Technology
Shuki Yeshurun, Dr.
Nanopass Technologies Ltd.
Dario Paolo, Professor
Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna ARTS/Mitech Labs
Mario Zen, Dr.
Istituto Trentino Di Cultura-IRST Microsystem Division
Takayuki Hirano
Micromachine Center
Takashi Mihara, Dr.
OLYMPUS Optical Co. Ltd. Strategy dept./Corporate R & D Center
Kanju Miyamoto
Micromachine Center International Exchange dept.
Naomasa Nakajima, Profesor
The University of the Air
Ryo Ohta
OLYMPUS Optical Co. Ltd. Laboratry No.2/Corporate R & D Center
Toshiro Shimoyama
OLYMPUS Optical Co., Ltd.
Hiroya Terashima
FANUC Ltd. Basic Research Laboratory
Young-Ho Cho, Professor
Digital Nanolocomotion Center Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
Tae Song Kim
Korea Institute of Science & Techn. Microsystem Research Scientist
Sukhan Lee
Samsung Advanced Inst. of Technology
Jong-Oh Park, Dr.Ing
Intelligent Microsystem Center
Liv Furuberg, Dr.
SINTEF/University of Oslo Dept. of Microsystems
Siak Lim, ass.Prof.
National University of Singapore Mechanical Engineering
Zhenfeng Wang
Gintic Institute of Manufacturing Tech. Div. of Precision Technology
Carles Cane, Dr.
Centro Nacional Microelectronica (CNM) Dept. of Microsystems
Peter Enoksson, Professor
Chalmers University of Technology Dept. of Microelectronics
Claude Clement
PreciMediX SA
Philippe Fischer
FSRM Swiss Foundation for Research In Microtechnology
Nico de Rooij, Professor
University of Neuchatel Institute of Microtechnology
Shuo Hung Chang, Professor
National Taiwan University Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Fei-Bin Hsiao, Professor
National Cheng Kung University Inst. of Aeronautics & Astronautics
Chih-Kung Lee, Professor
National Taiwan University Institute of Applied Mechanics
Lin Min-Shyong, Dr.
Asia Pacific Microsystems, Inc.
The Netherlands
Willem Berg, ir.
Innofonds Twente.b.v.
Albert van den Berg, Prof. dr. ir.
MESA+ Research Institute University of Twente
Wijnand Calseijde, Ir.
Twinning Investment Management
Kees Eijkel
MESA+ Research Institute University of Twente
Paul Gennissen
Texas Instruments Holland
Jans Kruise, Dr.ir.
Texas Instruments Holland
Henk Leeuwis, Ir.
Lionix BV
Regina Luttge
MESA+ Research Institute University of Twente
Tim Markus, Drs.
Provincie Overijssel
Lina Sarro, Professor
Delft Unversity of Technology DIMES
Wolfgang Tostmann, Drs.
Ministry of Economic Affairs ICT Department
United Kingdom
David Allen, Professor
Cranfield University SIMS
Geoff Beardmore, Professor
Ayman El Fatatry, Dr.
BAE SYSTEMS Adv. Techn. Centres
Ron Lawes, Professor
CCLRC-Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Engineering Department
Vishal Nayar, Dr.
Nadeem Rizvi, Dr.
Exitech Ltd. Oxford Insustrial Park
Deepak Uttamchandani, Professor
University of Strathclyde Dept. of Electronic & Electr.Engineering
United States of America
Raffaella Borzi, Ph.D.
Michael Gaitan
NIST MEMS Project, Semiconductor Elect.Div.
The 8th MICROMACHINE SUMMIT -- The dawn of maturity |
A common strand featured at this year's World Micromachine Summit:
Nanotechnology. Almost all the presenters referred to the impact of, the fusion between
and the implications of nanotechnology and microsystems on current and
future applications.
This remarkable change of emphasis could, possibly, become a milestone
flagging the relative maturity of microtechnologies and the emergence of
The national/regional reports from across the world at this summit
(The 8th held at Maastricht on the 1st and 2nd of May, 2002), provided
updated accounts of programmes and developments since the last summit in
2001 at Freiburg.
The review from the USA outlined examples of some of the relevant
projects funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), the Defense Advanced
Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and the National Institute of Standards
and Technology (NIST). The various programmes and projects, currently being
supported by these three bodies, tend to have a biotechnology trend emphasising
the shift towards nano-biotechnology in the USA. In this context, the NSF
has sponsored the formation of a National Nanofabrication Users Network
(NNUN). With regards to MEMS/Microsystems, a number of Industry Groups
have been established to serve a similar purpose. The trend towards developing
optical and RF MEMS remains strong in spite of the downturn of the IT/Telecom
The situation in the UK was summarised as also shifting in interest
towards nanotechnology although MEMS remained predominant for commercial
exploitation as evidenced by the increasing number of spin-offs and SMEs.
In Taiwan, the completion of the 6th year of the national MEMS programme
was marked by the successful operation of the MEMS Common Laboratory at
the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI). MEMS is now deemed
to be approaching maturity, prompting the National Science Council (NCS)
of Taiwan to direct emphasis to nanotechnology through the (re)formation
of the MEMS and Nanotechnology Advancement Team Program. Taiwan plans to
invest approximately $600 million on nanotechnologies in the fields of
micro-fuel cells, packaging and biotechnology. This programme of investment
is scheduled to start the first quarter of 2003 and last until the year
The review from Switzerland maintained a similar view with regards
to the maturity of microtechnologies. This was demonstrated via "typically
Swiss" commercial products such as wrist watches incorporating silcon-based,
micromechanical, pressure sensors and cog wheels. New initiatives are planned
to merge the fields of Nanotechnology and MST/MEMS.
The situation in Singapore was reported to be less buoyant than
was expected a year or so ago. The economic downturn, over the year, has,
it was reported, led to a 20% cut in the funding made available for MEMS
projects. None the less, a number of MEMS-based projects continue to be
supported, including simulation and modelling work at the Institute of
High Performance Computing amongst other institutions.
The strong interest in biotechnology in the Nordic region of Europe
has prompted the establishment of interdisciplinary research projects,
collaborations and educational courses in addition to the ongoing programmes
supporting microtechnologies. Norway, Finland, Sweden and Denmark all boast
a fair number of new (or relatively new) start-ups offering either products
or foundry services. In essence, commercialisation is taking its course.
Mediterranean nations such as Spain, Greece and Italy reported a
continuing effort in developing MST-based sensing systems in response to
the industrial, agricultural and agroalimentary needs of these specific
nations. A couple of new start-ups in Spain aiming to produce sensors for
household appliances and food quality control were announced. In Greece,
a newly established Network on Microsystems and Micro-Nanotechnology (MMN)
was set up to promote the technology. In Italy, on the other hand, where
microsystems technologies is well established, two new National Research
programmes were launched in 2001, to address nanotechnologies and new materials
as well as microsystems. Of note, in Italy, is the recent interest in developments
relating to the electronic nose (e-nose) giving rise to 3 new start-up
companies over the last year.
The Korean national programme on microsystems continues to make
progress as was outlined by the impressive results on developments of micro-biomedical
diagnostic systems for endoscopic microcapsules. In parallel to this ambitious
programme, the Korean government has launched a $1.4 billion programme
on Nanotechnology (2001-2010). This national programme will address almost
all aspects of nanotechnology which, along with Information Technology
and Biotechnology forms one of the three most important technologies for
the 21st Century identified by the Korean government.
The 10 year long national "Micromachine" project in Japan
was reported to have concluded its course successfully boasting the generation
of over 500 patents and a number of commercial products as deliverables.
Plans are, currently, being assessed for the launch of a national strategy
for nanotechnology focussed on materials, processing, manufacturing and
Activities in France continue to be underpinned by strong
co-ordinating networks such as the French National Research Network in
Micro and Nano-Technologies (RMNT) as well as the recently launched initiative
for research and technology transfer, MINATEC, in Grenoble. MINATEC will
provide education, training, research and facilities for high-tech industries
aimed at supporting European Leadership in Micro and Nano-technologies.
Finally, some "Colleges of Engineering" across France have begun
to incorporate MEMS-related topics within their curricula. These topics
include practical clean room processing and microfabrication techniques.
MEMS/Microsystems developments in China were reported to have gained
prominence following the results of a strategic study conducted by the
Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology. The study identified micro-sensors,
information-MEMS and bio-MEMS as priorities with emphasis on MEMS fabrication
and nanotechnology. Within 2001, alone, 6 conferences on MEMS were held
in China. This year, another 8 conferences are planned. The technology
seems also to be enjoying international prominence through a number of
reported collaborative ventures aimed at commercialising some of the developments
undertaken by research and academic establishments in China.
University research by Canadian Universities was reported to be
advancing in the fields of MOEMS and RF MEMS amongst other, more general,
mechanical designs. Industrial activities, on the other hand, appears to
be gearing towards productionisation through the establishment of MEMS-specific
fabrication lines and foundries. These facilities will capitalise on the,
impressively, large number of designs (in excess of 180) fabricated by
Canadian Institutes since 1997.
The situation in Belgium and the Netherlands with regards to MEMS
developments was also indicative of the maturity of this technology. Major
players, spanning academia, institutions and companies are focusing efforts
on specific applications in the fields of bio-analysis and telecommunications.
National Nanotechnology programmes have also been initiated to help galvanise
the research in this new field of research.
Finally, the Australian government has focussed nationally-funded
research onto four priority areas: (1) Nano and bio materials, (2) Genome/Phenome
research, (3) Complex/Intelligent Systems and (4) Photon science and technology.
Microsystems research has, as a result, been directed to address these
specific areas. In this context, and underlying this programme, are plans
for national facilities including the Bandwidth Foundry for Photonic ICs,
a 110 meters diameter synchrotron, the MiniFAB fabrication facility and
a national network for nanostructural analysis (NANO). Such facilities
as well as the national focus will, it was reported, help Australian institutions
and industry exploit new opportunities offered by Nano and Microtechnology.
The national reports on the state-of-the-art of microtechnology
could, it may be concluded, confirm that this technology is indeed nearing
maturity. Details of the newly established nanotechnology initiatives helped
only to corroborate this view amongst the (70 or so) delegates gathered
in Maastricht. Commercialisation of MEMS-based devices is underway, particularly
in the fields of bio-diagnostics. This continues to be enabled by national
initiatives, programmes and facilities. The new focus on nanotechnology
was proclaimed to be complementary to ongoing developments in microsystems,
adding functionality and capabilities to systems and subsystems.
Finally, this summit, organised jointly by the MESA+ Research Institute
(Netherlands) and IMEC (Belgium), was considered by all attendees to have
been a success and, probably, a milestone for Microsystems. Next year's
summit, scheduled for Beijing, China on the 1st and 2nd of May 2003, will,
it is hoped continue to report world-wide success of microtechnology commercialisation
as well as advancements in nanotechnology research. |
Ayman El Fatatry - BAE SYSTEMS
Kees Eijkel - MESA+ Research Institute
Albert van den Berg - MESA+ Research Institute (Summit Chairman)
Kris Baert - IMEC (Summit co-chair)
8 May, 2002 |