4th Micromachine Summit
29 April-1 May 1998
Melbourne, Australia
Organized by RMIT University
Welcome to the 1998 Micromachine Summit.
The Micromachine Summits:
- actively consider and exchange ideas about the impact on industry, society
and the environment of Micromachines, including Microelectromechanical
Systems (MEMS) or Microsystem Technology (MST)
- comprise delegates from thirteen countries/regions in the world that are
active in research and production concerning the Micromachine industry.
- report on the status, directions and critical issues concerning Micromachine
developments in the countries/regions represented
- present in a non-technical manner the state of the art applications and
production methods, future possibilities, how Micromachines can change
the way people live and work and the national initiatives and policies
which might be adopted to give humankind the maximum benefit from Micromachines
- provide a forum to enable a vital interchange of innovative and provoking
thought on Micromachines.
Your host, RMIT University, wishes you a most rewarding and stimulating
time in Australia. Chair 1998 MICROMACHINE SUMMIT
Professor Ian Bates
4th Micromachine Summit
29 APRIL 1 MAY, 1998
The Micromachine Summits are international forums that enable vital interchange
of innovative and provoking thought about the critical issues and impact
on industry, society, and the environment of Micromachines including microelectromechanical
systems (MEMS) or Microsystem Technology (MST). Thirteen countries/regions
in the world that are active in this field of research and production send
delegates to the Summit. The aim is to exchange ideas on the status, provide
practical examples and consider possible initiatives on how Micromachines
can change the way we work and live and bring benefits to humankind.
Wednesday April 29
7.00 |
Welcoming Reception
Kensington Room
Grand Hyatt
123 Collins Street
Melbourne |
Thursday April 30
8.00 |
Bus Departs Hyatt for RMIT.
All meeting session will be held in Storey Hall, RMIT University, Swanston
Street. Morning tea, afternoon tea and lunch will be in the foyer. |
8.30 |
Opening of Summit
Chair 1998 Summit
Prof. Ian Bates
RMIT University Australia |
8.45 |
Session 1:
Country/Region Reviews
Critical issues, driving forces for Micromachine development, particular
examples and national initiatives.
*Australia *Benelux *Canada *China *France *Germany *Italy *Japan
*Scandinavia *Switzerland *Taiwan *United Kingdom *USA |
Questions and Discussion
11.15 |
Session 2:
Applications across Major Industries Automobile, aerospace, power generation,
telecommunication, information technology, medical
Applications and Development of CMOS-Compatible Microbolometers
Dr. Jin-Shown Shie Institute of Electro-Optics, Taiwan
Flying Micromachines into the Next Millennium
Prof. Geoff Beardmore
Smiths Industries Aerospace & Defence Systems, UK
Surface Micromachining for Microphotonics
Prof. Richard Muller
Director, Berkely Sensor & Actuator Centre,University of California,
Questions and Discussion
1.45 |
Session 3:
Market Predictions and Pathways of Potential Products to Commercial Production
Application in existing, products, new products, emerging technologies
causing changes
Microsystems: Evaluation of the Word Market and Position of Europe
Mr. Jean-Christophe Eloy
YOLE Develpt Co, Franc
DARPA Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) Program
Dr. Al Pisano
MEMS Program Manager, DARPA, USA
MEMS/MST Market Analysis by NEXUS
Dr. Wechsung
Microparts GmbH, Germany
MEMS/MST Microactuator Opportunity for Magnetic Data Storage
Dr. Long-Sheng Fan
BM Corporation, USA
Questions and Discussion
3.45 |
Session 4:
Global Problem Solutions
Environmental management, health, pollution, global warning
Prof. Wendong Zhang
Nth China Institute of Technology, China
Healthcare in the Future
Dr. Toshiro Shimoyama
Chairman & CEO, Olympus Optical Co Ltd, Japan
Application of Microtechnology in Implantable Devices
Mr. Markus Hailer
Medtronic Europe SA, Switzerland |
Questions and Discussion
5.10 |
Open Discussion Period for the day |
5.30 |
Adjourn for the day
Bus Departs RMIT for Hyatt |
7.30 |
Summit Dinner
Red Ochre Grill
37-41 Little Bourke St |
Friday May 1
8.30 |
Bus Departs Hyatt for RMIT |
9.00 |
Session 5:
Scenarios for Building the Micromachine Industry and New Manufacturing
Research/Industry links, access to manufacturing facilities, manufacturing
technologies, standardization strategy
Micromachined Spinnerets for Micro Fibre
Dr. Yao Cheng
Assoc Research Scientist
Synchrotron Radiation Research Centre, Taiwan
Facility Head, Appleton Laboratory, CLRC, UK
Development of Infrastructure for Microsystem Engineering in Australia
Dr. Mike Murray
Corporate Executive, CSIRO, Australia
Standardization Workshop Report
Mr. Takayuki Hirano
Executive Director, Micromachine Center, Japan |
Questions and Discussion
11.00 |
Session 6:
Micromachine Education and Research Initiatives
Industry, university, pre university education to meet future needs
Transfer of Micromachine Technology to Industry
Mr. Philippe Fischer, FSSRM, Switzerland
Micromachine Education and Research - Working across Discipline Barriers
Prof. Jan-Ake Schweitz
Angstrom Laboratory, Scandinavia
Questions and Discussion |
Meeting of the Chief Delegates
Seminar Rooms l&2, Level 7, Storey Hall
1.30 |
Session 7:
Applications to Improve Daily Life Style
Leisure, Sport, Entertainment, Tops
Future Lifestyle and Micromachines
Mr. Takayuki Hirano
Executive Director, Micromachine Center, Japan
Alleviation of Profound Deafness
Prof. Graeme Clark, Director
Bionic Ear Institute, Australia
School Children's Ideas for Micromachines
Dr. Tsuneo Ishimaru
Chairman, Denso Corporation, Japan
Some Australian Primary and Secondary
School Children Imagining the Future with Micromachines
Professor Ian Bates, Associate Dean R&D RMIT University |
Questions and Discussion
2.45 |
Open Discussion Period for the day and Review of Summit Outcomes |
3.10 |
Conclusion of the Summit |
3.45 |
Bus Departs RMIT for Hyatt |
4.15 |
Dinner and “Blood on the Cross”
Bus Departs Hyatt for Ballarat |
Saturday May 2
9.00am |
Great Ocean Road Visit
Bus departs Hyatt |
- Professor Ian Bates
Associate Dean, Research & Development RMIT University Faculty of Engineering
- Dr. Ron Zmood
Dept of Electrical Engineering RMIT University
- Dr. Mike Murray
Corporate Executive CSIRO
- Mr. Peter Hayes
Group Leader Electronics Robert Bosch (Australia) Pry Ltd
- Professor Graeme Clark
Director, Bionic Ear Institute
- Dr. Albert van den Berg
MESA Research Inst University of Twente
- Dr. Lou Hermans
- Dr. Henk Leeuwis
- Mr. Gordon Guild, President,
MTC Micromachining Technology Centre Simon Fraser University
- Dr. Peter Dawson, Director General
NRC Inst for Microstruc Science
- Prof. Zhaoying Zhou, Chairman
Dept of Precision lnstruments & Mechanology
Tsinghua University Bejing, China
- Prof. Wendong Zhang
Dept of Instruments & Measurement Tec Nth China Inst of Technology
- Prof. Defu Li
Chinese Soc of Inertial Tech Bejing, Chaina
- Mr. Guoying Cao
SSTCC Bejing, Chaina
- Prof. Daniel Handen
Director LPMO-CNRS
- Mr. Jean-Christophe Eloy
YOLE Develpt Co
- Prof. Wolfgang Menz
Institut fuer Mikrosystemchnik Universitaetsgelaande Flugplatz
- Dr. Bernhard Thomas
Daimler Benz
Forschungsinstitut Frankfurt Germany
- Dr. Reiner Wechsung
Microparts GmbH
- Mr. Juergen Berger
VDI/VDE Technologie, Zentrum Informations Technik GMBH
- Prof. Paolo Dario
Scuola Superiore Sant' Anna ARTS/MITECH labs
- Mr. Leonello Dori
CNK-lst Lamel Via P Gobetti
- Prof. Naomasa Nakajima
Dean Div of Eng, Graduate School University of Tokyo
- Mr. Takayuki Hirano,
Executive Director Micromachine Center
- Dr. Tsuneo Ishimaru,
Chairman Denso Corporation
- Dr. Sadao Moritomo,
President & CEO Seiko Seiki Co Ltd
- Dr. Toshiro Shimoyama,
Chairman & CEO Olympus Optical Co Ltd
- Prof. Jan-Ake Schweitz
The Angstrom Laboratory Uppsala University
- Mr. Terje Kvisteroy,
Technical Director SensoNor asa
- Mr. Francois Grey, Vice Director
Microelectronics Centre,
- Prof. Ari Lehto, Research Professor
VTT Electronics/Microelectronics
- Prof. Nico de Rooij
Institute of Microtechnology University of Neuchatel
- Mr. Philippe Fischer
FSSRM, Swiss Foundation of Research Microtechnology
- Dr. Volker Gass
Mecanex SA
- Mr. Markus Haller
Medtronic Europe SA
- Dr. Minh-Shyong Lin
Executive Vice-President Industrial Technology Research Institute
- Mr. Yao Cheng,
Associate Research Scientist Synchrotron Radiation Research Centre
- Prof. Jin-Shown Shie
Institute of Electro-Optics National Chia Tung University
- Prof. Star Ruey-Shing Huang
Dept of Electrical Engineering National Tsing Hua University
- Prof. Howard Dorey
Dept of Elec & Electronic Eng Imperial College,
- Dr. Malcolm Gower, Chairman
Exitech Ltd
- Prof. Geoff Beardmore,
Micro Engineering Manager
Major Defence Systems Smiths Industries Aerospace & Defence Systems
Cheltenham, Bishop's Cleve, Cheltenham Gloucestershire,
- Prof. Ron Lawes, Facility Head
Appleton Laboratory, CLRC Chilton, Didcot
Oxfordshire, UK
- Prof. Richard Muller
Director: Berkeley Sensor & Actuator Centre Editor in Chief IEEE/ASME/JMEMS
University of California Dept of EECS
- Dr. Albert (Al) Pisano
MEMS Program Manager DARPA/ETO
- Dr. Long-Sheng Fan
IBM Corporation Almaden Research Centre
The result of the Summit is reported as follows
- With regard to standardization, an internation-al network with Japan as
the core will be con-structed to promote standardization using the Internet,
based on the results of the workshop held in Japan, and contact persons
will be assigned from active countries/regions.
- The 1999 summit is to be held in Scotland, with the 2000 summit to be held
in Japan, and it was proposed that the 2001 summit be held in the United
States. The United States made clear their intent to review the matter
in a pos-itive light. Other countries which wish to hold the summit include
Germany and Denmark.
- Due to activities in Singapore becoming quite pronounced, Singapore will
be added as a mem-ber at the next summit.
- The home page for the summit proposed by Japan shall be started on the
Micromachine Center's web site. For the time being, this home page will
display pasts programs, partici-pants, and chairman's summaries, in addition
to plans for the staging of future summits. In this, the fourth summit,
a common level of awareness of micromachines among the participat-ing countries/regions
was notable, as was an awareness of the need for greater efforts to assure
the development of micromachines into the 21st century.